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Optimize energy usage produced by a rooftop PV (photo voltaic) system


This project aims at making best use of PV rooftop installations. This is done by implementing a controller which on a regular basis (eg. every minute) controls power distribution.

Current implemented functionality includes:

The behavior of the controller is configured in a config.ini file, or can be controled from a GUI dashboard of the sister project PVControl.

The controller algorithm can be simulated based on historic PV data, as stored by data loggers such as eg. Solaranzeige. This allows to understand, debug and optimize control algorithms. Once one is happy with the algorithm, it can obviously be applied to the supported hardware. In that usage scenario, the controller is typically called from a crontab entry on a Raspberry Pi.

It is very likely that a user of this project wants to do adaptions and modifications according to his needs, either to the algorithms or supported hardware. Hence, the documentation focuses on the software structure more than trying to be a simple users guide. The software is structured such that different hardware components can easily be added. At this moment, the above mentioned wallbox and (single) inverter are the only ones supported. Python knowledge will be required for adaptions.

This page mainly focuses on a functional overview whereas some background to the software structure is given here

Note: all time stamps used in this project are UTC

Improvements are welcome - please use Issues and Discussions in Git.

Table of Content

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Home battery management

minSOC and maxSOC

During an annual cycle of observing the performance of a home battery, one observes the following issues:

Batteries neither like to be fully charged or discharged for an extended period of time. Hence, it is advantageous to define a maxSOC during summer which is <100% and a minSOC > 5% in winter (where 5% is the battery provider default for ‘fully discharged’ state).

If, for example, in summer we define maxSOC = 80%, discharging will still only reach 40% in the morning - more than enough. Conversely, in winter, setting minSOC to eg. 20% still allows adding 80% charge, which is unlikely to be possible in cloudy winter days.

This general rule is of course not valid during long rainy summer periods or long sunny winter periods. In a future verison of this project, longterm PVForecast may implement an automatic management of minSOC and maxSOC, but this is currently not available yet.

Grid feedin limitations

Regulatory requirements may limit grid feedin. In Germany for example, a rooftop PV installation basically may never feed in more than 70% of its nominal power. This leads to clamping solar production during peak hours in summer and hence energy waste. It is advantageous to charge a home battery with this excess power.

This clamping of course can only happen around noon: in the morning and evening, <70% of nominal power will be generated even in full sun. PVOptimize knows from a clear-sky model (using pvlib), during which periods of the day, in principle clamping is possible.

Hence, it will try to delay charging until this period ends. If excess power is produced prior to that moment, the battery will be charged, but charge current will be limited to the excess power.

Home battery and EV charging

We want to use PV power to charge an EV. Unfortunatly, PV power can fluctuate heavily and rapidly, which would result in large oscillations of EV charge current. PVOptimize tries to dampen these fluctuations by allowing limited use of the home battery to charge the EV:

To enable this, PVOptimize steers any excess PV power to home battery charging even early in the morning, if an EV is connected to the wallbox, but PV power is yet insufficient to charge the EV. Also, every excess PV power during EV charging (resulting eg. from rounding errors - some wallboxes can control charge currents only in 1A steps) is moved to the battery. Hence, it tries to keep the home battery well charged, if an EV is connected (hence, awaiting charging). However, this fastcharge mode is used only until the home battery SOC has reached maxSOCCharge.

In addition, minSOCCharge makes sure that EV charging is only started once the home battery SOC has reached a desired minimal level. This can be used eg. in spring or autumn to first partially or fully charge the home battery and then steer any excess power to an EV.

Forecast based home battery charging

If PV excess charging (I_gridMax = 0) is in motion, PV Forecast data from PVForecast is used to abort EV charging early enough, so that home battery can still be fully charged to maxSOC prior to sunset.

Summary of battery charging control parameters

The following parameters can be set in the [PVControl] section of the config.ini file:

Setting Effect
minSOC controls minimal SOC level of home battery. There is an absolute minimum defined in PVStorage.minSOC, but in winter times, where anyway insufficient PV power is available to fully charge battery, one may set a higher level.
maxSOC controls maximum SOC level of home battery. In summer, were not all battery capacity is needed to support home consumption at night time, one might lower this value from 100% to eg. 80%
minSOCCharge Home battery is charged to at least this level prior to EV charging to start. This has two reasons: (a) one may want to give priority to home battery charging with minSOCCarge = 100%. Then, EV charging starts once this SOC level is reached. (b) during EV excess charging, home battery can support short shadow periods. However, support is programmed to be dependent on SOC level to avoid too heavy battery cycling. Hence, one may choose to have battery at least 50% full before EV charging starts. (For the same reason, the home battery is charged at maximum rate if an EV is plugged in, but power is insufficient to start charging)
maxSOCCharge Prior to EV charging being completed, home battery will not be charged above this level. Purpose to keep some battery capacity available in case EV charging finishes early and PV power would otherwise run into grid feed-in limits.

EV charging management

Fundamentally, we can distinguish between three desired modes of operations:

These modes are controlled with the following settings:

Setting Effect
I_max Maximum current provided for EV charging. This level can only be reached if sufficient PV power is available to support the difference I_max - I_gridMax.

Reason to set this lower than maximum current supported by wallbox are days where some PV power is available and we want extent the duration of EV charging, to make use of ‘all the sun we get’
I_min Minimum current required to start EV charging.

If I_min can be supplied from PV alone, grid power support will be denied. Hence, if fastest charging is needed, this shall be set high and I_gridMax shall allow for sufficient grid power support.
I_gridMax Maximum grid power to be used for EV charging. If set to 0A, only PV excess charging is possible. If set to I_max, potentially all energy could come from grid. If 0A < I_gridMax < I_max it defines the maximum current which can be drawn from grid for EV charging (after having accounted for home consumption).

If PV power is insufficient for I_min, grid power will be used and charge current maximized (respecting I_max). Use home battery for EV charging will be inhibited and no attempt will be made to charge home battery before end of the day. See next section for more details and an example.

The special value I_max = 0 disables control of the wallbox, so that native wallbox control can be used again, without interference from PVOptimize.

Examples of what the controller can do

The following examples show different aspects of the capabilities of the controller.

EV excess charging example

The following example assumes that sufficient PV energy is available to charge EV. During intermittent shadow periods, the home battery is used to support charging to ‘some extent’. Grid power is not allowed to be used. The relevant config.ini settings are in section PVControl:

Setting Value Comment
I_min 8A start charging once PV supports a charge current of at least 8A
I_max 16A allow charging with a current as high as 16A (11kW)
I_gridMax 0A don’t allow grid power to support charging


Label Comment
a In the case shown, the EV has been connected to the wallbox the evening before. Due to this connection status, the home battery is always charged as quick as possible when PV power is available but insufficient to charge the car
b Although PV power drops below minimum required charge current I_min (here, 8A ~ 5.7kW) charging is maintained for a certain time (which depends on home battery SOC)
c Once car charging is completed, home battery is no longer charged unless …
d … there is PV excess power (here: >6.8kW) which cannot be fed to the grid due to network provider limitations
e after a PV clear-sky model predicts that it is no longer possible to have PV excess power for the day (here ~15:13), home battery charging is released.

Interplay of I_gridMax, I_min and I_max

The following simulation was run with

Setting Value
I_gridMax 8A
I_min 6A
I_max 12A

In period (a), PV power (blue) is insufficient to supply I_min. Hence, max. I_gridMax = 8A are drawn from grid (green), ensuring that total charge current does not exceed I_max = 12A.

In period (b), PV power exceeds I_min = 6A and the grid is no longer used. Charging now follows the capabilities of the PV system until the EV is charged.


This example as shown is probably not a very practical use-case, but it illustrates the working of the controller. Practically, the user might configure as follows:

Home battery charging example


On the above “slow” day for PV power, battery charging is started much earlier (~13:15).

This is because the controller calculates every minute ctrlstatus.have, which is the PV power forecasted for the rest of the day minus the current consumption, extrapolated until end of production. This available power is then compared with the needed power to fully charge the battery (to the specified maxSOC), shown as ctrlstatus.need.

If have < 2*need, battery charging is released. Note that the high home consumption at ~15:30 results in need > have: if this high consumption continues for the rest of the day, the battery is not expected to be chaarged. However, around 16:00, home consumption is small, but still need > have. It appears that the forecast at this time was more pessimistic than actual PV production turned out to be. Hence, we were a bit lucky, that the battery still ended up fully charged at 18:00.

What does the simulator do?


The following picture shows typical output of the simulator: Simulator

The left side shows the data as monitored and stored by Solaranzeige into an Influx database:

Trace Interpretation
dc_power DC power generated by the PV system
bat_power power to (positive) / from (negative) home battery system
grid_power power from (positive) / to (negative) power grid
home_consumption home consumption as reported by inverter (Kostal)
dc_clearsky maximum expected DC power of PV system under clearsky conditions, as modelled by pvlib
soc battery SOC as reported by inverter (Kostal)
black dotted feed-in limit
blue dotted feed-in limit / Inverter Efficiency: This is roughly the feed-in limit to be compared with dc_power
green dotted -(feed-in limit)

The right side shows how the picture would have looked like if the controller performed its job. Additional traces are shown:

Trace Interpretation
ctrl_power Power dispatched by controller to its specific consumer(s). Currently, only a wall-box is supported
waste_power Power wasted as we run into feed-in limitations imposed by the network provider
bat_forecast% Residual forecasted PV power for the day compared to power needed to then needs to fully charge battery

To calculate the right hand picture, the simulator (PVServer) was configured as follows in the config.ini file:

    # ------------------------------------------------ simulation control
    startDate          = 2021-05-15     # start date of simulation
    endDate            = 2021-05-15     # end date of simulation
    connectTime        = 10:00          # time when EV is connected to the wallbox for charging
    chargePower        = 13000          # total power we want to charge

    # startSOC         = 0.05           # SOC at sunries - default: SOC from database
    maxConsumption     = 4500           # limit home consumption to this (default: no limit = 99999)
    baseConsumption    =  350           # ... if limit is reached, replace with this
    sigmaConsumption   =    0           # ... +- this (sigma); zero = fixed value
    feedInLimit        = 6825           # limit grid feedin [W] (due to regulatory rules; default: no limit = 99999)

    # breakTime        = 15:44          # allows to set a debugging break point

    # ------------------------------------------------ output
    storePath          = ./temp/        # storage path for files generated; plot files will be <day>.png
    storePNG           = 0              # store PNG files (instead of interactive display)
    # maxY             = 10000          # defines y-axis of plots

The first few lines tell the simulator that we want to

The SolarAnzeige data may of course already contain home consumption related to eg. wallbox charging. Hence, the simulator will adjust home_consumption > maxConsumption to baseConsumption +- sigmaConsumption before it does any other task.

The resulting picture can either be shown on-screen (storePNG = 0) or to disk at storePath. This is most useful if the interval startDate .. endDate spans a long interval. A daily summary will saved at the same location into a file summary.csv.

This way, a scenario (such as connect the car at 10:00 and try charging 13kWh) can be evaluated against PV data from eg. June 2020.

A closer look at simulator output

The following annotated picture lets us explain in a little more detail how the simulater helps to understand the controller:


Label Comment
a home consumption (as observed by SolarAnzeige) is cut as it exceeds maxConsumption and replaced with baseConsumption +- sigmaConsumption
b as a consequence of a, more power is fed to the grid. The home battery is not yet charged, as it’s early in the day
c PV power exceeds feed-in limit. Excess power is re-directed to the battery
d at 10:00 car is connected to wallbox. Since there is sufficient PV power, charging starts immediatly
e as PV power drops, car charging is maintained up to a certain limit. Charge power is provided from battery
f PV power drops below the need of car charging. Since - based on dc_clearsky - there is no hope anymore for the day to charge from PV, charging is stopped (no battery power diverted to car anymore)

This simulator run also created the following text output:

ctrl_power          12262.764333               # power managed by controller (delivered to wallbox)
dc_power            27128.286999               # PV DC power produced throughout the day
home_consumption     4664.889500               # home consumption (not considering ctrl_power)
grid_power          -8566.500378               # net power delivered (<0) to grid
bat_power            1128.773400               # net power delivered (>0) to home battery
waste_power             0.000000               # power wasted due to feed-in limit
Name: 2021-05-15 00:00:00, dtype: float64      # date for which this output is valid

Battery charging forecast on a winter day

The concept of bat_forecast% may come across a little abstract when just looking at the above plots, created from spring days with enough PV power. So, let’s check out a January day:

Winter Day

Shortly before 9:00, SOC reaches its lowest level of 32%. The solar forecast predicts:

The remaining loss is due to

Forecast Development

The algorithm currently doesn’t take advantage of the confidence interval information provided by Solcast. However, the latest version of PVForecast queries Solcast more often (every 15min by default, 30min for dual-array configurations) than shown here (once per hour), to improve accuracy for short look-ahead periods.

Some more notes

If breakTime is set in config.ini, the code will reach a print statement in, where a breakpoint can be set for further debugging.

waste_power can only be calculated to the extend that SolarAnzeige has un-clipped data, for example, because despite high PV production, the feed-in limit was not reached, due to high home consumption rate or battery charging.

If the controller is configured with

    run                =  0

it is disabled and only the left side pictures are generated. This can eg. be used to create a gallery of the PV system performance over last year or so.

Disclaimer and License

The software controls hardware (Inverter, Wallbox, …) over APIs and hence can potentially cause harm to the hardware and its environment. The author cannot provide any warranty for correctness or specific functionality of this software, nor can he be held liable for any damage caused through its use.

Use at your own risk!

Further warranty limitations are implied by the license


Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.